We had another great time with our mentors. As we welcomed Molly we are saying goodbye to Elliott.
We loved having Elliott come and mentor this past year. He was able to catch the attention and interest of all of our students. He did not start dancing until his Freshman year at CMU, but the kids were amazed at how good he was at dancing. He talked to the students about getting out of their comfort zones and finding something that challenges them and also gives them an outlet to destress, find friends, and just have fun. We love you Elliott and good luck in your new adventures in Seattle!!
We also were lucky enough to have Mike, our board president, come and mentor some of the students this year as well. He spoke with all of the students about the importance of goal setting and looking towards the future while enjoying the present and growing from the past.
We truly are one big team and we love coming together and working with and for our students. We cannot wait to meet our students next year and watch them grow and develop into the best versions of themselves.